About the FRC Mental Health Promotion Project
Welcome to the National Family Resource Centre Mental Health Promotion Project (FRC MHPP). As part of the National Forum of Family Resource Centres, we provide education, training and best practice guidance around suicide prevention, wellness recovery action planning, and positive mental health promotion to the management, staff, and volunteers of 121 Family Resource Centres across Ireland. In addition, The FRC Mental Health Promotion Project is the lead and support organisation for 10 Health and Wellbeing Community Referral Sites in Cork and Kerry in partnership with Cork/Kerry HSE Health and Wellbeing.
Our Vision is of an Ireland where fewer lives are lost through suicide and communities and individuals are empowered to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Our Mission is to educate, train, and support the staff and volunteers of all 121 Family Resource Centres on suicide prevention, wellness, recovery action planning, self-care, resilience building, and positive mental health promotion. By doing so, we hope to positively impact the mental health of the FRC staff and management and the health and wellbeing of the communities they serve.​
Family Resource Centres (FRCs) provide universal support to individuals and families across their life course. As the only national programme offering such a drop-in service to the public, FRCs are faced with a wide range of social issues; often, mental health difficulties underpin these issues.
Funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention, TUSLA, the HSE and the Gambling Awareness Trust, we promote shared responsibility and response to the action of suicide. We foster collaborative partnerships with all relevant agencies, organisations and other stakeholders and strive to raise awareness, reduce the stigma associated with mental health difficulties and reduce the number of suicides in Ireland.
The National Family Resource Centre Mental Health Promotion Project undertakes the following key areas of work:
Promoting Social Connectedness through Social Prescribing, Health and Wellbeing Community Referral
Promoting Community Resilience through Self-Care and WRAP Training
Providing Pathways to Care through our Social Prescribing Project, Problem Gambling and Training Programs
Combating Stigma by Creating Awareness, Advocacy & Dialogue
Helping to create an informed, cohesive response to suicide and suicide ideation through the Research and development of our FRC Suicide Prevention Code of Practice