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Mens Mental Health

In Ireland, many men struggle with various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.  The Irish Independent reported on research published by the European Commissionwhich revealed Ireland has the third highest level among EU citizens of emotional or psychosocial problems. At the same time, a recent Health Ireland study concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected the nation's mental health, with almost 1/3 of those surveyed reporting that their mental health had worsened since the start of the pandemic, with 81% feeling less socially connected.

There are many ways to improve your mental health, such as being active, eating well, sleeping enough, and seeking professional help. Talking about how you feel is the first step to getting the support you need, and there are many services and organisations that can help - find a list here.

Male-specific support organisations in Ireland include: 

HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing | a podcast by HSE ( 

Listen to the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast with interviews and insights on the work underway by HSE Health and Wellbeing and their partners to deliver on the Healthy Ireland ambition of supporting, protecting and empowering individuals, families and their communities to achieve their full health potential.


Aware Webinars

Aware Webinar Series takes place online, meaning you can log in from anywhere and watch live or visit the page to view past webinars.


National Family Resource Centre

Mental Health Promotion Project

  Dedicated to educating, training, and providing best practice guidance

around Suicide Prevention, Wellness Recovery Action Planning & Positive Mental Health Promotion,

to the management, staff, and volunteers of 121 Family Resource Centres across Ireland.

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